Safe Abortion South Africa.
Dr Anazo Safe Abortion Clinic +27789671730
Providing all women with the highest quality abortion care available at the lowest possible cost in South Africa

We Deliver Abortion Pills Through Pep[pep] Post Net Courier Call Dr Anazo
Safe Abortion Pills
A safe and legal medical procedure in South Africa. It is an extremely safe procedure that is far safer than giving birth. All you have to do is call us make an appointment and all will be done perfectly for you.Book an appointment for abortion pills and we also do deliveries.
Pregnancy Termination
Depending on how long you have been pregnant, and service availability, We use the Medicinal Process of Tablets or Abortion Pills. Most women prefer the use of a termination pill because it cheaper and very safe. Abortion/Termination Pills Start from R300 for less than a week.
Medical Abortion
ermination Pills Start from R300, Pain Free & Guaranteed Safe abortion. We are open Monday to Sunday 7am – 5pm. trustworthy, Safe & Legal Abortion of Unwanted pregnancy. You Just Do it and Go home Safely. Including Free Delivery All over South Africa. Just Contact Us / Call / WhatsApp
Safe Abortion Pills From 300

Medical Termination
Medical Abortion is when we shall be using pills to terminate the pregnancy without any complications because we have experience in terminations of pregnancies and all procedures are performed by qualified doctors your on you appointment date, our trained staff will discuss with you the treatment options available for you.

Safe Abortion Clinic
Our Abortion Clinics / Women’s Clinic are legalized and offer:– Confidential Medical Abortion – We use Approved Abortion Pills- We provide Womb cleaning pills- All students qualify for 10% discounts Progesterone will be given to you by swallowing it because its meant to weaken the lining of the uterus hence breaking it down because without it, the pregnancy can’t continue.
Medical Abortion Using Pills

We offer abortion service use abortion pills in many parts of South Africa Safe Abortion In Kwazulu Natal, Free State, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Cape Town, Northern cape, Gauteng province, Mpumalanga, North West.
Pregnancy Termination Procedures
The best Abortion Clinic services
Dr Anazo Women abortion clinic in South Africa provides safe termination of pregnancy services at all times at your own pace and we also offer safe abortion pills strictly from R300 if you are less than aweek and we are available open every day.

Medical Abortion
Safe Abortion
Termination Pills

Termination Of Unwanted Pregnancy Using Pills
Call us on +27789671730 or simply book an appointment

Order Abortion Pills For Delivery


Dr anazo safe clinic
Make an appointment
A safe and legal medical procedure in South Africa. It is an extremely safe procedure using pills
Phone: +27789671730